4. FHST Meeting on Geometry and Analysis

May 24, 2022 / Katja Stefanie Engstler

Workshop at the Institute for Discrete Structures and Symbolic Computation (IDSC) at 20.05.2022

On May 22.2022 the "4. FHST Meeting on Geometry and Analysis " took place at the University of Stuttgart.  This is a rotating half-day meeting between the univeristies of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Stuttgart and Tübingen, organized by Carla Cederbaum, Anda Degeratu, Nadine Große, Jan Swoboda.


Ksenia Fedosova (Freiburg)
Fourier expansions of vector-valued automorphic functions

Stephen Lynch (Tübingen)
Singularities in flows of submanifolds

Hartmut Weiß (Kiel)
Parabolic Higgs bundles and gravitational instantons


Meeting Analysis und Geometrie

Participants of the meeting

The ogranizers: Jan Swoboda, Carla Cederbaum, Nadine Große, Anda Degeratu.


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