Three folders labelled: bachelorthesis, masterthesis and doctoral degree.

Doctoral Degrees and Habilitations

Department of Mathematics

Information about Doctoral Degree Studies in the Department and an overview of Doctoral Degrees and Habilitations over the past few years.

Doctoral Degrees

Particularly interested and qualified students can follow up their master’s degree program with a doctoral degree program. On average, one quarter to one third of all M.Sc. graduates per year discuss plans to pursue doctoral studies with a professor in the department.

Obtaining a doctoral degree in the Department of Mathematics

The legal basis for a doctoral degree in the Department of Mathematics are the Doctoral Degree Regulations (PO) of the University of Stuttgart. In the case of doctoral degree studies in the graduate schools SimTech the regulations of these institutions also have to be taken into account.

Doctoral Degree Regulations:


Further Information:

Digitally published PhD dissertations can be downloaded on the document server of the University of Stuttgart.

Date of Oral Exam Title Name
26.04.2024 Singular limits in KGZ systems and the DNLS approximation in case of quadratic nonlinearities Raphael Taraca
12.04.2024 Long wave approximation over and beyond the natural time scale Sarah Hofbauer
05.03.2024 Supercharacters and generalized Gelfand-Graev characters for orthogonal groups Denis Weiler
22.03.2024 A Moving Mesh Finite Volume Method for Hyperbolic Interface Problems Maria Alkämper
15.03.2024 Structure-Preserving Model Reduction on Subspaces and Manifolds Patrick Buchfink
29.01.2024 Toric Cohiggs Bundles Anderson Gama
Date of Oral Exam Title Name
16.10.2023 Faltungskalkül mit translationsinvarianten Amalgamräumen von Distributionen auf Euklidischen Räumen Tillmann Kleiner
11.10.2023 Cartier-Foata-Garside Monoids and Groups Alexander Thumm
29.09.2023 Deep and greedy kernel methods: Algorithms, analysis and applications Tizian Wenzel
25.07.2023 Regression from Linear Models to Neural Networks: Double Descent, Active Learning, and Sampling David Holzmüller
06.07.2023 Stability of Einstein Metrics on Homogeneous Spaces Paul Schwahn
30.06.2023 On the uniqueness of the Calderón Problem and its application in Electrical Impedance Tomography Ivan Mira Pombo
12.06.2023 Existence and non-existence of breather solutions on necklace graphs Tobias Kielwein
15.02.2023 Characters and Character Sheaves of Finite Groups of Lie Type Jonas Hetz
Date of Oral Exam Title Name
20.12.2022 Mixed-Dimensional Modeling of Flow in Porous Media Samuel Burbulla
14.12.2022 Mathematische Modellierung von wellenoptischer Absorption beim Laserschneiden Maximilian Klumpp
08.12.2022 Analysis of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Random Discontinuous Flux Functions and their Efficient Simulation Lukas Brencher
07.12.2022 Subordinated Fields and Random Elliptic Partial Differential Equations Robin Merkle
26.10.2022 On two Problems for the Stark Laplacian on domains Jan Köllner
14.10.2022 Interface Conditions for Arbitrary Flows in Stokes-Darcy Systems: Derivation, Asnalysis and Validation Elissa Eggenweiler
22.09.2022 The Phase Field Approach for Reactive Fluid-Solid Interfaces: Modeling and Homogenization Lars Freiherr von Wolff
18.07.2022 Total Variation Minimization via Dual-Based Methods and its Discretization Aspects Stephan Hilb
28.06.2022 From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Many-Body Quantum Systems Michael Hofacker
14.02.2022 Quantization of Algebras Defined by Ultradifferentiable Group Actions Jonas Brinker
08.02.2022 Intrinsic Dimension Adaptive Learning Rates for Kernel Methods Thomas Hamm
01.02.2022 Learning with High-Dimensional Data Simon Fischer
20.01.2022 A Complete Analysis and Design Framework for Linear Impulsive and Related Hybrid Systems Tobias Holicki
Date of Oral Exam Title Name
02.12.2021 Inhomogeneous Fractals as a Martin Boundary Stefan Kohl
18.11.2021 Approximation with matrix-valued kernels and highly effective error estimators for reduced basis approximations Wittwar, Dominik
11.10.2021 Algebraic analogues of resolution of singularities, quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras Tiago Miguel dos Santos Cruz
23.09.2021 A Molecular – Continuum Multiscale Solver for Liquid – Vapor Flow: Modeling and Numerical Simulation Jim Magiera
22.07.2021 A Bayesian Approach to Parameter Reconstruction from Surface Electromyographic Signals Anna Rörich
20.07.2021 The stable module category inside the homotopy category, perfect exact sequences and equivalences Sebastian Nitsche
08.06.2021 Absence of the Efimov Effect in Dimensions One and Two Simon Barth
19.05.2021 Desarguesian and geometric right ℓ-groups Carsten Dietzel
28.04.2021 Efficient simulation on challenging PDE problems on CPU and GPU clusters Malte Schirwon
22.04.2021 Invasion phenomena in pattern-forming systems admitting a conservation law structure Bastian Hilder
21.04.2021 LDD Schemes for Two-Phase Flow Systems David Seus
10.02.2021 Compressible Multi-Component and Multi-Phase Flows: Interfaces and Asymptotic Regimes Lukas Ostrowski
Date of Oral Exam Title Name
18.12.2020 Virtual Levels of Multi-Particle Quantum Systems and Their Implications for the Efimov Effect Andreas Bitter
01.12.2020 Gendo-Frobenius algebras and comultiplication Cigdem Yirtici
01.12.2020 On the Eigenvalues of the Non-Self-Adjoint Robin Laplacian on Bounded Domains and Compact Quantum Graphs Robin Lang
18.06.2020 Uncertainty Quantification with Lévy-type Random Fields Andreas Stein
20.05.2020 Stochastic Partial Differential Equations on Cantor-like Sets Tim Ehnes
14.05.2020 Sparse Deep Gaussian Process Approximation and Application of Dynamic System Identification Roman Föll
Date of Oral Exam Title Name
17.12.2019 Quantification of Uncertainties in Compressible Flows Fabian Meyer
27.11.2019 Validity of the nonlinear Schrödinger approximation for quasilinear dispersive systems Max Heß
27.11.2019 Resolution and Realisation Functors Nico Stein
19.07.2019 Nonlinear phenomena on metric and discrete necklace graphs Daniela Maier
15.07.2019 Improved Classification Rates for Localized Algorithms under Margin Conditions Ingrid Blaschzyk
12.07.2019 Spectral Asymptotics for Dirichlet Laplacians on Random Cantor-Like Sets and on their Complement Lenon Minorics
11.07.2019 Mesh Refinement for Parallel Adaptive FEM Theory and Implementation Martin Alkämper
03.07.2019 Multiscale modeling and simulation of transport processes and electrochemical reactions in multimaterial porous electrodes Katarina Link
24.06.2019 Amplitude Equations for Boussinesq and Ginzburg-Landau-like Models Tobias Haas
27.03.2019 Spectral Asymptotics for Stretched Fractals Elias Hauser


 Date of Oral Exam Title Name
31.07.2018 Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media: Fractures and Uncertainty Quantification Markus Köppel
16.06.2018 Feedback Control for Parametric Partial Differential Equations Using Reduced Basis Surrogate Models Andreas Schmidt
03.05.2018 Adaptive Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Porous-Media Multi-Phase Flow with Strong Heterogeneities Birane Kane
08.02.2018 Randomization and Companion Algorithms in Stochastic Approximation with Semimartingales Timo Pfrommer


Date of Oral Exam Title Name
23.11.2017 From classical absolute stability tests towards a comprehensiv robustness analysis Matthias Fetzer
13.10.2017 Kernel-Based Expectile Regression Farooq, Muhammad
11.10.2017 Modeling and Analysis of Almost Unidirectional Flows in Porous Media Alaa Amiti
14.09.2017 Minimal Orbits of Isotrophy Actions for the Classical Root Systems with Simply-Laced Dynkin Diagrams Anton Reiswich
13.07.2017 Effective Equations in Mathematical Quantum Mechanics Steffen Gilg
06.07.2017 WEB-Spline Approximation and Collocation for Singular and Time-Dependent Problems Florian Martin
24.05.2017 Energy estimates for the two-dimensional Fermi polaron Ulrich Linden
25.04.2017 Reduced Basis Approximation for Heterogeneous Domain Decomposition Problems Immanuel Martini
21.04.2017 Killing and Conformal Killing Tensors Konstantin Heil
22.03.2017 Self-Adjointness and Domain of a Class of Generalized Nelson Models Andreas Wünsch
14.03.2017 Spectral and Hardy Inequalities for the Heisenberg Laplacian Bartosch Ruszkowski
07.03.2017 Sylow Numbers in Character Tables and Integral Group Rings Iris Köster
03.02.2017 Dominant dimensions of Algebra René Marczinzik
20.01.2017 Supercharacter theories for Sylow p-subgroups 3Dsyl
(q3), Gsyl
(q) and 2Gsyl
Yujiao Sun



Date of Oral Exam Title Name
12.12.2016 Failure of Amplitude Equations Danish Ali Sunny
12.07.2016 The KdV and Whitham limit for a spatially periodic Boussinesq model Roman Bauer
02.03.2016 Balance Laws: Non Local Mixed Systems and IBVPs Elena Rossi
29.02.2016 Numerical Approximation of Two-Phase Flows with and without Phase Transition Jochen Neusser
16.02.2016 Analysis of Liquid-Vapor Interfaces and Periodic Waves in Dynamical Lattice Systems Buğra Kabil


Date of Oral Exam

Title Name
18.12.2015 Liquid Vapor Phase Transitions: Modeling, Riemann Solvers and Computation Christoph Zeiler
30.10.2015 Validity and attractivity of amplitude equations Sanei Kashani
28.10.2015 Adiabatic theorems for general linear operators and wellposedness of linear evolution equations Jochen Schmid
21.07.2015 Monotonicity-based methods for inverse parameter identification problems in partial differential equations Marcel Ullrich
13.07.2015 Singular problems in quantum and elastic waveguides via Dirichlet-to-Neumann analysis André Hänel
02.06.2015 Torsionseinheiten in ganzzahligen Gruppenringen nicht auflösbarer Gruppen Leo Margolis
12.05.2015 Murphy bases for endomorphism rings of tensor space Mathias Werth
24.04.2015 Statistical Learning of Kernel-Based Methods for non-i.i.d. Observations Hanyuan Hang



There are many different ways to become a professor: The doctoral degree is typically followed by a post-doc or junior professor phase to shape and consolidate the individual research and teaching agenda. This phase culminates in a habilitation or a habilitation-equivalent positive evaluation.

Digitally published habilitations can be downloaded on the document server of the University of Stuttgart.

Date Title Name
13.12.2021  On some enumerative problems on K3 surfaces Davide Cesare Veniani
17.06.2019 Efficient numerical methods for total variation minimization Andeas Langer
25.01.2017 On the behaviour of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian and related operators James Kennedy
27.01.2016 Mathematical modeling of coupled free flow and porous medium systems Iryna Rybak
11.11.2015 Entropy as a Fundamental Principle in Hyperbolic Conservation Laws and Related Models Jan Giesselmann
24.06.2015 Nonlinear transport and coupling of conservation laws Veronika Schleper



This image shows Elke Gangl

Elke Gangl


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