Publications of the Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics

List of publications of the Department of Mathematics starting 2017


The following overview gives a first impression of the diverse publications of the researchers of the department exemplarily for the period from 2017, not only in peer-reviewed journals. A more detailed, complete and topic-specific impression is given by the pages of the individual institutes, research groups and coordinated programs

  1. 2024

    1. Albişoru, A. F., Kohr, M., Papuc, I., & Wendland, W. L. (2024). On some Robin–transmission problems for the Brinkman system and a Navier–Stokes type system. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 1–28.
    2. Bondanza, M., Nottoli, T., Nottoli, M., Cupellini, L., Lipparini, F., & Mennucci, B. (2024). The OpenMMPol library for polarizable QM/MM calculations of properties and dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(13), Article 13.
    3. Braun, A., Kohler, M., Langer, S., & Walk, H. (2024). Convergence rates for shallow neural networks learned by gradient descent. Bernoulli, 30(1), Article 1.
    4. Buchfink, P., Glas, S., Haasdonk, B., & Unger, B. (2024). Model reduction on manifolds: A differential geometric framework (2024 Physica D, Ed.).
    5. Carvalho Corso, T., Dupuy, M.-S., & Friesecke, G. (2024). The density–density response function in time-dependent density functional theory: Mathematical foundations and pole shifting. Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse Non Linéaire.
    6. Cheng, Y. (2024). Relativistic and electron-correlation effects in static dipole polarizabilities for main-group elements. Physical Review A, 110(4), Article 4.
    7. Claeys, X., Hassan, M., & Stamm, B. (2024). Continuity estimates for Riesz potentials on polygonal boundaries. Partial Differential Equations and Applications.
    8. Corso, T. C. (2024). A mathematical analysis of the adiabatic Dyson equation from time-dependent density functional theory. Nonlinearity, 37(6), Article 6.
    9. Corso, T. C., Hassan, M., Jha, A., & Stamm, B. (2024). An $L^2$-maximum principle for circular arcs on the disk.
    10. Döppel, F., Wenzel, T., Herkert, R., Haasdonk, B., & Votsmeier, M. (2024). Goal‐Oriented Two‐Layered Kernel Models as Automated Surrogates for Surface Kinetics in Reactor Simulations. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96(6), Article 6.
    11. Ghosh, T., Bringedal, C., Rohde, C., & Helmig, R. (2024). A phase-field approach to model evaporation from porous media: Modeling and upscaling.
    12. Giannoulis, I., Schmidt, B., & Schneider, G. (2024). NLS approximation for a scalar FPUT system on a 2D square lattice with a cubic nonlinearity. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 540(2), Article 2.
    13. Hammer, M., Wenzel, T., Santin, G., Meszaros-Beller, L., Little, J. P., Haasdonk, B., & Schmitt, S. (2024). A new method to design energy-conserving surrogate models for the coupled, nonlinear responses of intervertebral discs. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 23(3), Article 3.
    14. Herkert, R., Buchfink, P., Wenzel, T., Haasdonk, B., Toktaliev, P., & Iliev, O. (2024). Greedy Kernel Methods for Approximating Breakthrough Curves for Reactive Flow from 3D Porous Geometry Data. Mathematics, 12(13), Article 13.
    15. Herkert, R. R. (2024). Replication Code for: Greedy Kernel Methods for Approximating Breakthrough Curves for Reactive Flow from 3D Porous Geometry Data.
    16. Homs-Pons, C., Lautenschlager, R., Schmid, L., Ernst, J., Göddeke, D., Röhrle, O., & Schulte, M. (2024). Coupled Simulation and Parameter Inversion for Neural System  and Electrophysiological Muscle Models. GAMM-Mitteilungen.
    17. Hsiao, G. C., Sánchez-Vizuet, T., & Wendland, W. L. (2024). Boundary-field formulation for transient electromagnetic scattering by dielectric scatterers and coated conductors. In SIAM J. Math. Analysis, to appear.
    18. Huber, F., Bürkner, P.-C., Göddeke, D., & Schulte, M. (2024). Knowledge-based modeling of simulation behavior for Bayesian  optimization. Computational Mechanics.
    19. Jha, A. (2024). Residual-Based a Posteriori Error Estimators for Algebraic Stabilizations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 157, 109192.
    20. Karabash, I. M., Lienstromberg, C., & Velázquez, J. J. L. (2024). Multi-parameter Hopf bifurcations of rimming flows.
    21. Kharitenko, A., & Scherer, C. W. (2024). On the exactness of a stability test for Lur’e systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
    22. Knobloch, P., Kuzmin, D., & Jha, A. (2024). Well-balanced convex limiting for finite element discretizations of steady convection-diffusion-reaction equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 518, 113305.
    23. Kohr, M., Nistor, V., & Wendland, W. L. (2024). The Stokes operator on manifolds with cylindrical ends. Journal of Differential Equations, 407, Article 407.
    24. Lindgren, E. B., Avis, H., Miller, A., Stamm, B., Besley, E., & Stace, A. J. (2024). The significance of multipole interactions for the stability of regular structures composed from charged particles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 663, 458–466.
    25. Maier, B., Göddeke, D., Huber, F., Klotz, T., Röhrle, O., & Schulte, M. (2024). OpenDiHu: An Efficient and Scalable Framework for Biophysical  Simulations of the Neuromuscular System. Journal of Computational Science, 79(102291), Article 102291.
    26. Maier, B., Göddeke, D., Huber, F., Klotz, T., Röhrle, O., & Schulte, M. (2024). OpenDiHu: An Efficient and Scalable Framework for Biophysical Simulations of the Neuromuscular System. Journal of Computational Science, 79.
    27. Mel’nyk, T. A., & Durante, T. (2024). Spectral problems with perturbed Steklov conditions in thick junctions with branched structure. Applicable Analysis, 1–26.
    28. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2024). Reduced-dimensional modelling for nonlinear convection-dominated flow in cylindric domains. Nonlinear Differ. Equ. Appl., 31(105), Article 105.
    29. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2024). Asymptotic expansion for convection-dominated transport in a thin graph-like junction. Analysis and Applications, 22 (05), 833–879.
    30. Nottoli, M., Herbst, M. F., Mikhalev, A., Jha, A., Lipparini, F., & Stamm, B. (2024). ddX: Polarizable continuum solvation from small molecules to proteins. WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 14(4), Article 4.
    31. Nottoli, M., Vanich, E., Cupellini, L., Scalmani, G., Pelosi, C., & Lipparini, F. (2024). Importance of Polarizable Embedding for Computing Optical Rotation: The Case of Camphor in Ethanol. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7992–7999.
    32. Ruan, L., & Rybak, I. (2024). Stokes-Brinkman-Darcy models for coupled fluid-porous systems: derivation, analysis and validation. Appl. Math. Comp.  (Submitted).
    33. Schollenberger, T., von Wolff, L., Bringedal, C., Pop, I. S., Rohde, C., & Helmig, R. (2024). Investigation of Different Throat Concepts for Precipitation Processes in Saturated Pore-Network Models. Transport in Porous Media.
    34. Strohbeck, P., Discacciati, M., & Rybak, I. (2024). Optimized Schwarz method for the Stokes-Darcy problem with generalized interface conditions. J. Comput. Phys. (Submitted).
    35. Wendland, W. L. (2024). On the construction of the Stokes flow in a domain with cylindrical ends. Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., 1–6.
    36. Wenzel, T., Haasdonk, B., Kleikamp, H., Ohlberger, M., & Schindler, F. (2024). Application of Deep Kernel Models for Certified and Adaptive RB-ML-ROM Surrogate Modeling. In I. Lirkov & S. Margenov (Eds.), Large-Scale Scientific Computations (pp. 117--125). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  2. 2023

    1. Afşer, H., Györfi, L., & Walk, H. (2023). Classification With Repeated Observations. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 30, 1522–1526.
    2. Arridge, S. R., Burger, M., Hahn, B., & Quinto, E. T. (2023). Tomographic Inverse Problems: Mathematical Challenges and Novel Applications. Oberwolfach Reports, 20(2), Article 2.
    3. Bamer, F., Ebrahem, F., Markert, B., & Stamm, B. (2023). Molecular Mechanics of Disordered Solids. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 30(3), Article 3.
    4. Berberich, J., Scherer, C. W., & Allgower, F. (2023). Combining Prior Knowledge and Data for Robust Controller Design. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(8), Article 8.
    5. Brehmer, P., Herbst, M. F., Wessel, S., Rizzi, M., & Stamm, B. (2023). Reduced basis surrogates for quantum spin systems based on tensor networks. Physical Review E.
    6. Buchfink, P., Glas, S., & Haasdonk, B. (2023). Approximation Bounds for Model Reduction on Polynomially Mapped Manifolds.
    7. Burbulla, S., Formaggia, L., Rohde, C., & Scotti, A. (2023). Modeling fracture propagation in poro-elastic media combining phase-field and discrete fracture models. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 403.
    8. Burbulla, S., Hörl, M., & Rohde, C. (2023). Flow in Porous Media with Fractures of Varying Aperture. Accepted by SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
    9. Cancès, E., Herbst, M. F., Kemlin, G., Levitt, A., & Stamm, B. (2023). Numerical stability and efficiency of response property calculations in density functional theory. Letters in Mathematical Physics, 113(1), Article 1.
    10. Dippon, J., Gwinner, J., Khan, A. A., & Sama, M. (2023). A new regularized stochastic approximation framework for stochastic inverse problems. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 73, Paper No. 103869, 29.
    11. Dusson, G., Sigal, I. M., & Stamm, B. (2023). Analysis of the Feshbach-Schur method for the Fourier spectral discretizations of Schrödinger operators. Mathematics of Computation, 92(340), Article 340.
    12. Eggenweiler, E., Nickl, J., & Rybak, I. (2023). Justification of generalized interface conditions for Stokes-Darcy problems. In E. Franck, J. Fuhrmann, V. Michel-Dansac, & L. Navoret (Eds.), Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X - Volume 1, Elliptic and Parabolic Problems (pp. 275–283). Springer Nature Switzerland.
    13. Eggenweiler, E., & Rybak, I. (2023). Higher-order coupling conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems. J. Fluid Mech. (Submitted).
    14. Fukuizumi, R., Gao, Y., Schneider, G., & Takahashi, M. (2023). Pattern formation in 2D stochastic anisotropic Swift-Hohenberg equation. Interdiscip. Inform. Sci., 29(1), Article 1.
    15. Gander, M. J., Lunowa, S. B., & Rohde, C. (2023). Consistent and Asymptotic-Preserving Finite-Volume Robin Transmission Conditions for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Equations. In S. C. Brenner, E. Chung, A. Klawonn, F. Kwok, J. Xu, & J. Zou (Eds.), Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI (pp. 443--450). Springer International Publishing.
    16. Gander, M. J., Lunowa, S. B., & Rohde, C. (2023). Non-Overlapping Schwarz Waveform-Relaxation for Nonlinear Advection-Diffusion Equations. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 45(1), Article 1.
    17. Gladbach, P., Jansen, J., & Lienstromberg, C. (2023). Non-Newtonian thin-film equations: global existence of solutions, gradient-flow structure and guaranteed lift-off.
    18. Gramlich, D., Holicki, T., Scherer, C. W., & Ebenbauer, C. (2023). A Structure Exploiting SDP Solver for Robust Controller Synthesis. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7, 1831--1836.
    19. Gramlich, D., Pauli, P., Scherer, C. W., Allgöwer, F., & Ebenbauer, C. (2023). Convolutional Neural Networks as 2-D systems.
    20. Gramlich, D., Scherer, C. W., Häring, H., & Ebenbauer, C. (2023). Synthesis of constrained robust feedback policies and model predictive control.
    21. Griesemer, M., & Hofacker, M. (2023). On the weakness of short-range interactions in Fermi gases. Lett. Math. Phys., 113(1), Article 1.
    22. Györfi, L., Linder, T., & Walk, H. (2023). Lossless Transformations and Excess Risk Bounds in Statistical Inference. Entropy, 25(10), Article 10.
    23. Haas, T., de Rijk, B., & Schneider, G. (2023). Validity of Whitham’s modulation equations for dissipative systems with a conservation law: phase dynamics in a generalized Ginzburg-Landau system. Indiana Univ. Math. J., 72(1), Article 1.
    24. Haasdonk, B., Kleikamp, H., Ohlberger, M., Schindler, F., & Wenzel, T. (2023). A New Certified Hierarchical and Adaptive RB-ML-ROM Surrogate Model for Parametrized PDEs. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(3), Article 3.
    25. Hahn, B., & Wirth, B. (2023). Convex reconstruction of moving particles with inexact motion model. PAMM, 23(2), Article 2.
    26. Hahn, B. N., Quinto, E. T., & Rigaud, G. (2023). Foreword to special issue of Inverse Problems on modern challenges in imaging. Inverse Problems, 39(3), Article 3.
    27. Hahn, B. N., Rigaud, G., & Schmähl, R. (2023). A class of regularizations based on nonlinear isotropic diffusion for inverse problems. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.
    28. Heß, M., & Schneider, G. (2023). A robust way to justify the derivative NLS approximation. Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 74(6), Article 6.
    29. Hilder, B., de Rijk, B., & Schneider, G. (2023). Nonlinear stability of periodic roll solutions in the real Ginzburg-Landau equation against $C_ub^m$-perturbations. Comm. Math. Phys., 400(1), Article 1.
    30. Hilder, B., de Rijk, B., & Schneider, G. (2023). Moving modulating pulse and front solutions of permanent form in a FPU model with nearest and next-to-nearest neighbor interaction. SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., 22(2), Article 2.
    31. Holicki, T., & Scherer, C. W. (2023). IQC based analysis and estimator design for discrete-time systems affected by impulsive uncertainties. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 50, 101399.
    32. Holzmüller, D., Zaverkin, V., Kästner, J., & Steinwart, I. (2023). A Framework and Benchmark for Deep Batch Active Learning for Regression. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(164), Article 164.
    33. Hornischer, N. (2023). Model Order Reduction with Dynamically Transformed Modes for Electrophysiological Simulations. GAMM Archive for Students.
    34. Jansen, J., Lienstromberg, C., & Nik, K. (2023). Long-Time Behavior and Stability for Quasilinear Doubly Degenerate Parabolic Equations of Higher Order. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 55(2), Article 2.
    35. Jha, A., John, V., & Knobloch, P. (2023). Adaptive Grids in the Context of Algebraic Stabilizations for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 45(4), Article 4.
    36. Jha, A., Nottoli, M., Mikhalev, A., Quan, C., & Stamm, B. (2023). Linear Scaling Computation of Forces for the Domain-Decomposition Linear Poisson--Boltzmann Method. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 104105.
    37. Keckstein, S., Dippon, J., Hudelist, G., Koninckx, P., Condous, G., Schroeder, L., & Keckstein, J. (2023). Sonomorphologic Changes in Colorectal Deep Endometriosis: The Long-Term Impact of Age and Hormonal Treatment. Ultraschall in Der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound, EFirst, Article EFirst.
    38. Keim, J., Munz, C.-D., & Rohde, C. (2023). A Relaxation Model for the Non-Isothermal Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations in Confined Domains. J. Comput. Phys., 474, 111830.
    39. Kharitenko, A., & Scherer, C. (2023). Time-varying Zames–Falb multipliers for LTI Systems are superfluous. Automatica, 147.
    40. Kohr, M., Nistor, V., & Wendland, W. L. (2023). Layer potentials and essentially translation invariant pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with cylindrical ends. In Postpandemic Operator Theory (pp. 61–115). Springer-Verlag Berlin.
    41. Lienstromberg, C., & Velázquez, J. J. L. (2023). Long-time asymptotics and regularity estimates for weak solutions to a doubly degenerate thin-film equation in the Taylor-Couette setting. arXiv, to appear in Pure and Applied Analysis.
    42. Maier, D., Reichel, W., & Schneider, G. (2023). Breather solutions for a semilinear Klein-Gordon equation on a periodic metric graph. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 528(2), Article 2.
    43. Meijer, T. J., Holicki, T., Eijnden, S. J. A. M. van den, Scherer, C. W., & Heemels, W. P. M. H. (2023). The Non-Strict Projection Lemma. arXiv.
    44. Mel’nyk, T. (2023). Complex Analysis (No. 1; Issue 1). Springer Cham.
    45. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2023). Asymptotic approximations for semilinear parabolic convection-dominated transport problems in thin graph-like networks. In arXiv e-prints.
    46. Mel’nyk, T., & Rohde, C. (2023). Puiseux asymptotic expansions for convection-dominated transport problems in thin graph-like networks: strong boundary interactions. /brokenurl#
    47. Mel’nyk, T. A. (2023). Asymptotic analysis of spectral problems in thick junctions with the branched fractal structure. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 46(3), Article 3.
    48. Miao, Y., Rohde, C., & Tang, H. (2023). Well-posedness for a stochastic Camassa-Holm type equation with higher order nonlinearities. Accepted by Stoch. Partial Differ. Equ. Anal. Comput.
    49. Morato, M. M., Holicki, T., & Scherer, C. W. (2023). Stabilizing Model Predictive Control Synthesis using Integral Quadratic Constraints and Full-Block Multipliers. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 33(18), Article 18.
    50. Nagy, P.-A., & Semmelmann, U. (2023). Eigenvalue estimates for 3-Sasaki structures.
    51. Nottoli, M., Bondanza, M., Mazzeo, P., Cupellini, L., Curutchet, C., Loco, D., Lagardère, L., Piquemal, J., Mennucci, B., & Lipparini, F. (2023). QM/AMOEBA description of properties and dynamics of embedded molecules. WIREs Computational Molecular Science, 13(6), Article 6.
    52. Pelinovsky, D., & Schneider, G. (2023). KP-II approximation for a scalar Fermi-Pasta-Ul system on a 2D square lattice. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 83(1), Article 1.
    53. Pes, F., Polack, É., Mazzeo, P., Dusson, G., Stamm, B., & Lipparini, F. (2023). A Quasi Time-Reversible Scheme Based on Density Matrix Extrapolation on the Grassmann Manifold for Born–Oppenheimer Molecular Dynamics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 9720--9726.
    54. Santin, G., Wenzel, T., & Haasdonk, B. (2023). On the optimality of target-data-dependent kernel greedy interpolation in Sobolev Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces.
    55. Scherer, C. W. (2023). Robust Exponential Stability and Invariance Guarantees with General Dynamic O’Shea-Zames-Falb Multipliers.
    56. Schwahn, P., Semmelmann, U., & Weingart, G. (2023). Stability of the Non-Symmetric Space $E_7/PSO(8)$.
    57. Seus, D., Radu, F. A., & Rohde, C. (2023). Towards hybrid two-phase modelling using linear domain decomposition. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations, 39(1), Article 1.
    58. Theisen, L., & Stamm, B. (2023). A Scalable Two-Level Domain Decomposition Eigensolver for Periodic Schrödinger Eigenstates in Anisotropically Expanding Domains.
    59. Wendland, W. L. (2023). My relation with GAMM (G. Rundbrief, Ed.; No. 1). GAMM Rundbrief.
    60. Wenzel, T., Santin, G., & Haasdonk, B. (2023). Analysis of Target Data-Dependent Greedy Kernel Algorithms: Convergence Rates for f -, f · P - and f /P -greedy. Constructive Approximation, 57(1), Article 1.
    61. Wenzel, T., Santin, G., & Haasdonk, B. (2023). Stability of convergence rates: Kernel interpolation on non-Lipschitz domains (2024 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 44(3):1-22, Ed.).
    62. Zaverkin, V., Holzmüller, D., Bonfirraro, L., & Kästner, J. (2023). Transfer learning for chemically accurate interatomic neural network potentials. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25(7), Article 7.
  3. 2022

    1. Agullo, E., Altenbernd, M., Anzt, H., Bautista-Gomez, L., Benacchio, T., Bonaventura, L., Bungartz, H.-J., Chatterjee, S., Ciorba, F. M., DeBardeleben, N., Drzisga, D., Eibl, S., Engelmann, C., Gansterer, W. N., Giraud, L., Göddeke, D., Heisig, M., Jézéquel, F., Kohl, N., … Wohlmuth, B. (2022). Resiliency in numerical algorithm design for extreme scale simulations. The International Journal of High Performance ComputingApplications, 36(2), Article 2.
    2. Assenmacher, O., Bruell, G., & Lienstromberg, C. (2022). Non-Newtonian two-phase thin-film problem: local existence, uniqueness, and stability. Comm. Partial Differential Equations, 47(1), Article 1.
    3. Benner, P., Burger, M., Göddeke, D., Görgen, C., Himpe, C., Heiland, J., Koprucki, T., Ohlberger, M., Rave, S., Reiselbach, M., Saak, J., Schöbel, A., Tabelow, K., & Weber, M. (2022). Die mathematische Forschungsdateninitiative in der NFDI:  MaRDI (Mathematical Research Data Initiative). GAMM Rundbrief, 2022(1), Article 1.
    4. Beschle, C. (2022). Uncertainty visualization: Fundamentals and recent developments, code to produce data and visuals used in Section 5.
    5. Beschle, C., & Kovács, B. (2022). Stability and error estimates for non-linear Cahn–Hilliard-type equations on evolving surfaces. Numerische Mathematik, 1--48.
    6. Boege, T., Fritze, R., Görgen, C., Hanselman, J., Iglezakis, D., Kastner, L., Koprucki, T., Krause, T., Lehrenfeld, C., Polla, S., Reidelbach, M., Riedel, C., Saak, J., Schembera, B., Tabelow, K., & Weber, M. (2022). Research-Data Management Planning in the German Mathematical Community. arXiv.
    7. Buchfinck, P., Glas, S., & Haasdonk, B. (2022). Optimal Bases for Symplectic Model Order Reduction of Canonizable Linear Hamiltonian Systems.
    8. Buchfink, P., Glas, S., & Haasdonk, B. (2022). Optimal Bases for Symplectic Model Order Reduction of Canonizable Linear Hamiltonian Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55(20), Article 20.
    9. Burbulla, S., Dedner, A., Hörl, M., & Rohde, C. (2022). Dune-MMesh: The Dune Grid Module for Moving Interfaces. J. Open Source Softw., 7(74), Article 74.
    10. Burbulla, S., & Rohde, C. (2022). A finite-volume moving-mesh method for two-phase flow in fracturing porous media. J. Comput. Phys., 111031.
    11. Cekić, M., Lefeuvre, T., Moroianu, A., & Semmelmann, U. (2022). Towards Brin’s conjecture on frame flow ergodicity: new progress and perspectives.
    12. Echterdiek, F., Kitterer, D., Dippon, J., Ott, M., Paul, G., Latus, J., & Schwenger, V. (2022). Outcome of kidney transplantations from ≥65‐year‐old deceased donors with acute kidney injury. Clinical Transplantation, 36(5), Article 5.
    13. Echterdiek, F., Tilgener, C., Dippon, J., Kitterer, D., Scheder-Bieschin, J., Paul, G., Ott, M., Humke, U., Schwenger, V., & Latus, J. (2022). Impact of the explanting surgeon’s impression of donor arteriosclerosis on outcome of kidney transplantations from donors aged ≥65 years. Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery, 407(2), Article 2.
    14. Eggenweiler, E., Discacciati, M., & Rybak, I. (2022). Analysis of the Stokes-Darcy problem with generalised interface conditions. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal., 56, 727–742.
    15. Eggenweiler, E. (2022). Interface conditions for arbitrary flows in Stokes-Darcy systems : derivation, analysis and validation. Universität Stuttgart.
    16. Fiedler, C., Scherer, C. W., & Trimpe, S. (2022). Learning Functions and Uncertainty Sets Using Geometrically Constrained Kernel Regression. 61st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2141–2146.
    17. Frank, R. L., Laptev, A., & Weidl, T. (2022). An improved one-dimensional Hardy inequality. J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.), 268(3, Problems in mathematical analysis. No. 118), Article 3, Problems in mathematical analysis. No. 118.
    18. Frank, R., Laptev, A., & Weidl, T. (2022). Schrödinger Operators: Eigenvalues and Lieb–Thirring Inequalities (p. 512). Cambridge University Press.
    19. Fukuizumi, R., & Schneider, G. (2022). Interchanging space and time in nonlinear optics modeling and dispersion management models. J. Nonlinear Sci., 32(3), Article 3.
    20. Gavrilenko, P., Haasdonk, B., Iliev, O., Ohlberger, M., Schindler, F., Toktaliev, P., Wenzel, T., & Youssef, M. (2022). A Full Order, Reduced Order and Machine Learning Model Pipeline for Efficient Prediction of Reactive Flows. In I. Lirkov & S. Margenov (Eds.), Large-Scale Scientific Computing (pp. 378--386). Springer International Publishing.
    21. Gilg, S., Schneider, G., & Uecker, H. (2022). Nonlinear dynamics of modulated waves on graphene like quantum graphs. Math. Nachr., 295(11), Article 11.
    22. Gramlich, D., Ebenbauer, C., & Scherer, C. W. (2022). Synthesis of Accelerated Gradient Algorithms for Optimization and Saddle Point Problems using Lyapunov functions. Syst. Control Lett., 165.
    23. Gramlich, D., Scherer, C. W., & Ebenbauer, C. (2022). Robust Differential Dynamic Programming. 61st IEEE Conf. Decision and Control.
    24. Griesemer, M. (2022). Ground states of atoms and molecules in non-relativistic QED. In The Physics and Mathematics of Elliott Lieb (pp. 437--450). EMS Press.
    25. Griesemer, M., & Hofacker, M. (2022). From Short-Range to Contact Interactions in Two-dimensional Many-Body Quantum Systems. Annales Henri Poincaré, 23(8), Article 8.
    26. Haasdonk, B., Kleikamp, H., Ohlberger, M., Schindler, F., & Wenzel, T. (2022). A new certified hierarchical and adaptive RB-ML-ROM surrogate model for parametrized PDEs. arXiv.
    27. Hahn, B. N., Garrido, M.-L. K., Klingenberg, C., & Warnecke, S. (2022). Using the Navier-Cauchy equation for motion estimation in dynamic imaging. Inverse Problems and Imaging, 16(5), Article 5.
    28. Hassan, M., Williamson, C., Baptiste, J., Braun, S., Stace, A. J., Besley, E., & Stamm, B. (2022). Manipulating Interactions between Dielectric Particles with Electric Fields : A General Electrostatic Many-Body Framework. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 18(10), Article 10.
    29. Hilder, B. (2022). Modulating traveling fronts in a dispersive Swift-Hohenberg equation coupled to an additional conservation law. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 513(2), Article 2.
    30. Hilder, B., & Sharma, U. (2022). Quantitative coarse-graining of Markov chains.
    31. Holicki, T. (2022). A Complete Analysis and Design Framework for Linear Impulsive and Related Hybrid Systems [University of Stuttgart].
    32. Holicki, T., & Scherer, C. W. (2022). A Dynamic S-Procedure for Dynamic Uncertainties. IFAC-PapersOnline, 55(25), Article 25.
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    80. Köppel, M., & Rohde, C. (2016). Uncertainty Quantification for Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous  Media. PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16(1), Article 1.
    81. Lienstromberg, C. (2016). On qualitative properties of solutions to microelectromechanical systems with general permittivity. Monatsh. Math., 179(4), Article 4.
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    94. Scherer, C. W. (2016). Lossless $H_ınfty$-synthesis for 2D systems (special issue JCW). Syst. Control Lett., 95, 25–35.
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    96. Schmidt, A., & Haasdonk, B. (2016). Reduced basis method for H2 optimal feedback control problems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(8), Article 8.
    97. Schneider, G. (2016). Validity and non-validity of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation as a model for water waves. In Lectures on the theory of water waves. Papers from the talks given at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, July -- August, 2014 (pp. 121--139). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    98. Sharanya, V., Raja Sekhar, G. P., & Rohde, C. (2016). Bed of polydisperse viscous spherical drops under thermocapillary  effects. Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 67(4), Article 4.
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    101. Trottemant, E. J., Mazo, M., & Scherer, C. W. (2016). Synthesis of Robust Piecewise Affine Output-Feedback Strategies. J. Guid. Control Dynam., 39(7), Article 7.
    102. Trottemant, E. J., Scherer, C. W., & Mazo, M. (2016). Optimality of robust disturbance-feedback strategies. Int. J. Robust Nonlin., 26(7), Article 7.
    103. Veenman, J., Lahr, M., & Scherer, C. W. (2016). Robust controller synthesis with unstable weights. 55th IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 2390–2395.
    104. Veenman, J., Scherer, C. W., & Köroglu, H. (2016). Robust stability and performance analysis with integral quadratic constraints. Eur. J. Control, 31, 1–32.
  10. 2015

    1. Allerhand, L. I. (2015). Stability of adaptive control in the presence of input disturbances and $H_ınfty$ performance. IFAC-PapersOnline, 48(14), Article 14.
    2. Allerhand, L. I., Gershon, E., & Shaked, U. (2015). State-feedback Control of Stochastic Discrete-time Linear Switched Systems with Dwell Time. Eur. Control Conf., 452–457.
    3. Allerhand, L. I., & Shaked, U. (2015). Soft Controller Switching with Guaranteed $H_ınfty$ Performance. IFAC-PapersOnline, 48(11), Article 11.
    4. Amsallem, D., Farhat, C., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Editorial: Special Issue on Modelling Reduction. IJNME, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102(5), Article 5.
    5. Amsallem, D., Farhat, C., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Editorial: Special Issue on Model Reduction. IJNME, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 102(5), Article 5.
    6. Amsallem, D., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). PEBL-ROM: Projection-Error Based Local Reduced-Order Models [SimTech Preprint]. University of Stuttgart.
    7. Amsallem, D., Farhat, C., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Special Issue on Model Reduction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 102(5, SI), Article 5, SI.
    8. Bhatt, A., Floyd, D., & Moore, B. E. (2015). Second Order Conformal Symplectic Schemes for Damped Hamiltonian  Systems. Journal of Scientific Computing.
    9. Bhatt, A., Floyd, D., & Moore, B. E. (2015). Second Order Conformal Symplectic Integrators for Damped Hamiltonian  Systems.
    10. Burkovska, O., Haasdonk, B., Salomon, J., & Wohlmuth, B. (2015). Reduced basis methods for pricing options with the Black-Scholes  and Heston model. SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics (SIFIN), 1408.1220, Article 1408.1220.
    11. Burkovska, O., Haasdonk, B., Salomon, J., & Wohlmuth, B. (2015). Reduced Basis Methods for Pricing Options with the Black-Scholes and    Heston Models. SIAM JOURNAL ON FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS, 6(1), Article 1.
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    14. De Marchi, S., & Santin, G. (2015). Fast computation of orthonormal basis for RBF spaces through Krylov  space methods. BIT Numerical Mathematics, 55(4), Article 4.
    15. Dihlmann, M., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). A reduced basis Kalman filter for parametrized partial differential  equations. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations.
    16. Dihlmann, M. A., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Certified PDE-constrained parameter optimization using reduced  basis surrogate models for evolution problems. COAP, Computational Optimization and Applications, 60(3), Article 3. 10.1007/s10589-014-9697-1
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    37. Höllig, K., & Hörner, J. (2015). Programming finite element methods with weighted B-splines. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 70(7), Article 7.
    38. Kaulmann, S., Flemisch, B., Haasdonk, B., Lie, K. A., & Ohlberger, M. (2015). The localized reduced basis multiscale method for two-phase flows in    porous media. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 102(5, SI), Article 5, SI.
    39. Kissling, F., & Rohde, C. (2015). The Computation of Nonclassical Shock Waves in Porous Media with  a Heterogeneous Multiscale Method: The Multidimensional Case. Multiscale Model. Simul., 13 no. 4, 1507–1541.
    40. Kohr, M., Lanza de Cristoforis, M., & Wendland, W. L. (2015). Poisson problems for semilinear Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains  in R^3. ZAMP, 66, 833–846.
    41. Kohr, M., de Cristoforis, M. L., & Wendland, W. L. (2015). Poisson problems for semilinear Brinkman systems on Lipschitz domains in    R-n. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK, 66(3), Article 3.
    42. Kohr, M., Pintea, C., & Wendland, W. L. (2015). Poisson-Transmission Problems for -Perturbations of the Stokes System on    Lipschitz Domains in Compact Riemannian Manifolds. JOURNAL OF DYNAMICS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 27(3–4), Article 3–4.
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    44. Kroeker, I., Nowak, W., & Rohde, C. (2015). A stochastically and spatially adaptive parallel scheme for uncertain    and nonlinear two-phase flow problems. COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES, 19(2), Article 2.
    45. Kr�ker, I., Nowak, W., & Rohde, C. (2015). A stochastically and spatially adaptive parallel scheme for uncertain  and nonlinear two-phase flow problems. Comput. Geosci., 19(2), Article 2.
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    47. Köroglu, H., Scherer, C. W., & Falcone, P. (2015). Robust Static Output Feedback Synthesis under an Integral Quadratic Constraint on the States. Eur. Control Conf., 3203–3208.
    48. Lienstromberg, C. (2015). A free boundary value problem modelling microelectromechanical systems with general permittivity. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl., 25, 190--218.
    49. List, F., & Radu, F. A. (2015). A study on iterative methods for solving Richards� equation.
    50. Martini, I., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Output Error Bounds for the Dirichlet-Neumann Reduced Basis Method. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2013, 103, 437--445.
    51. Martini, I., Rozza, G., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Reduced basis approximation and a-posteriori error estimation for  the coupled Stokes-Darcy system. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 41(5), Article 5.
    52. Micula, S., & Wendland, W. L. (2015). Trigonometric collocation for nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems  in doubly connected domains. IMA J. Num. Analysis, 35, 834–858.
    53. Micula, S., & Wendland, W. L. (2015). Trigonometric collocation for nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems on    doubly connected domains. IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS, 35(2), Article 2.
    54. Missler, J., Schwarzmann, D., & Allerhand, L. I. (2015). On the Influence of Filter Choice in Output-Feedback MRAC during Adaptation Transients. IFAC-PapersOnline, 48(11), Article 11.
    55. Müthing, S., Ribbrock, D., & Göddeke, D. (2015). Integrating multi-threading and accelerators into DUNE-ISTL. In A. Abdulle, S. Deparis, D. Kressner, F. Nobile, & M. Picasso (Eds.), Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications -- ENUMATH 2013 (Vol. 103, pp. 601--609). Springer.
    56. Neusser, J., Rohde, C., & Schleper, V. (2015). Relaxation of the Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations for Compressible  Two-Phase Flow with Phase Transition. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 79, 615–639.
    57. Neusser, J., Rohde, C., & Schleper, V. (2015). Relaxed Navier-Stokes-Korteweg Equations for compressible two-phase  flow with phase transition. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 79(12), Article 12.
    58. Neusser, J., & Schleper, V. (2015). Numerical schemes for the coupling of compressible and incompressible  fluids in several space dimensions.
    59. Oztepe, G. S., Choudhury, S. R., & Bhatt, A. (2015). Multiple Scales and Energy Analysis of Coupled Rayleigh-Van der Pol  Oscillators with Time-Delayed Displacement and Velocity Feedback:  Hopf Bifurcations and Amplitude Death. Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems.
    60. Redeker, M., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). A POD-EIM reduced two-scale model for crystal growth. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 41(5), Article 5.
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    65. Rybak, I. V., Gray, W. G., & Miller, C. T. (2015). Modeling two-fluid-phase flow and species transport in porous media. J. Hydrology, 521, 565--581.
    66. Scherer, C. W. (2015). Gain-Scheduling Control with dynamic Multipliers by Convex Optimization. SIAM J. Contr. Optim., 53(3), Article 3.
    67. Schleper, V. (2015). Nonlinear Transport and Coupling of Conservation Laws.
    68. Schleper, V. (2015). A hybrid model for traffic flow and crowd dynamics with random individual  properties. Math. Biosci. Eng., 12(2), Article 2.
    69. Schmidt, A., Dihlmann, M., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Basis generation approaches for a reduced basis linear quadratic  regulator. Proc. MATHMOD 2015 - 8th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, 713--718.
    70. Schmidt, A., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Reduced Basis Approximation of Large Scale Algebraic Riccati Equations. University of Stuttgart.
    71. Schmidt, A., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Reduced basis method for $H_2$ optimal feedback control problems. University of Stuttgart.
    72. Steinwart, I. (2015). Measuring the capacity of sets of functions in the analysis of ERM. In A. Gammerman & V. Vovk (Eds.), Festschrift in Honor of Alexey Chervonenkis (pp. 223--239). Springer.
    73. Steinwart, I. (2015). Supplement A to ``Fully Adaptive Density-Based Clustering’’ (Nos. 2013–016; Issues 2013–016). Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik, Universität Stuttgart.
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    79. Wirtz, D., Karajan, N., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Surrogate Modelling of multiscale models using kernel methods. International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 101(1), Article 1.
    80. Wirtz, D., Karajan, N., & Haasdonk, B. (2015). Surrogate modeling of multiscale models using kernel methods. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING, 101(1), Article 1.
    81. Zeiler, C. (2015). Liquid Vapor Phase Transitions: Modeling, Riemann Solvers and Computation [Verlag Dr. Hut].
  11. 2014

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    11. Chalons, C., Engel, P., & Rohde, C. (2014). A Conservative and Convergent Scheme for Undercompressive Shock Waves. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 52(1), Article 1.
    12. Chirilus-Bruckner, M., Düll, W.-P., & Schneider, G. (2014). Validity of the KdV equation for the modulation of periodic traveling waves in the NLS equation. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 414(1), Article 1.
    13. Corli, A., Rohde, C., & Schleper, V. (2014). Parabolic approximations of diffusive-dispersive equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 414, 773–798.
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    19. Ehlers, W., Helmig, R., & Rohde, C. (2014). Editorial: Deformation and transport phenomena in porous media. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift F�r Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik, 94(7–8), Article 7–8.
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