Mathematics is...
... current at all times. It is an exact science and one of the most creative activities of the human mind. Mathematics is forward-looking and at the same time looks back on a history of more than two and a half thousand years.
The clarity of thought and the wide range between abstract fundamentals and concrete applications not only make up the appeal and fascination of mathematics, but also open up excellent career prospects for our graduates.
A warm welcome to all freshmen who will start studying mathematics with us! In addition to the general information pages about the study of mathematics, we have created an extra freshman page for you with all important information about the beginning of your studies:
On the page First Aid [de] you will find the most important contact points if you have problems or questions.
Under First Year Students [de] you will find important information if you are new to the university or to mathematics.
You can find out which lectures are offered now and in the coming semesters under Courses. You will also find the slides for the orientation event "Presentation of the profile lines".
The Student Council Mathematics is an important point of contact and advocacy for students.
The department has set up two mailing lists for all mathematics students:
Please register to be informed!
Degree Programs in Mathematics
The three-year degree program Bachelor of Science provides a first degree qualifying for job positions. It also leads to the two-year degree program Master of Science.
More information [de]
The Master of Science in Mathematics degree program can be studied based on a B.Sc. degree in Mathematics (or equivalent). You will deepen your knowledge and skills in mathematics.
B.A. and M.Ed.
The Teacher Education degree programs are offered in the framework of Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education degrees. You will study another major in addition to mathematics, and the teacher education program will be supplemented by educational sciences.
In the B.A. combination degree program, you choose a major and a minor. Mathematics is a possible minor for which you must take Linear Algebra 1, Analysis 1 and 2, Mathematical Programming, and an elective module from the Module Handbook Catalog.
The lectures for the minor in mathematics in the B.A. combination are the same as the beginning lectures for mathematics students. Therefore, we recommend attending the freshman introduction.
- Examination regulations B.A. minor in mathematics [DE]: On page 3-4 you will find the regulations specific to mathematics.
- The study program in C@MPUS
- Information for new students [DE]
Profile subject
Mathematics can be chosen as a profile subject/minor subject in other degree programs (e.g. physics, computer science, pedagogy degree programs). The type and scope of the modules that must be taken are regulated in the examination regulations of the respective degree program. As a rule, you will hear the beginners' lectures for mathematics students. We therefore recommend attending the first semester introduction.
Important General Information:
At the Stud-Pool of the Department of Mathematics you will find support for computer questions. And of course you will also find computers there.
BAföG is the abbreviation for Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, or Federal Training Assistance Act, which provides state funding for high school and university students to pursue education and training. The stated aim of BAföG is to enable young people to take up education or training, even where their individual social and economic circumstances might not allow it.
Dr. Kathrin Gallmeister is the BAföG representative for the courses of study in the Department of Mathematics.The chairpersons of the examination boards are responsible for individual cases.
To prove an orderly course of studies, it is sufficient to enclose the performance record to the BAföG office. A printout from C@MPUS is sufficient. Form 5 does not need to be filled out.
The Department of Mathematics has defined the following number of credits accounted by the BAföG-Office as a regular course of study. These minimal requirements apply without exemption.
B.Sc. Mathematik
- 45 ECTS after the 3rd semester in the degree program
- 60 ECTS after the 4th semester in the degree program
- 75 ECTS after the 5th semester in the degree program
B.A. Mathematik
- 18 ECTS after the 3rd semester in the degree program
- 27 ECTS after the 4th semester in the degree program
- 36 ECTS after the 5th semester in the degree program
Those who want to participate in the MINT-Kolleg in the first semesters can get an extension of the BAföG funding under certain conditions. Read more about this [DE].
More Information - Outgoing and Erasmus Programme
On the internship page [DE] you find answers to your questions: Who do I contact if I want to have an internship credited to my Master's degree? What do I have to do for this? Which internships are possible? Where can I find job postings? and much more.
Scholarships and foundations offer a good possibility for at least partial financial support of your studies. To obtain funding, you do not always need a transcript with top grades. There are scholarships and foundations that will also support you for your competences, such as journalistic writing skills, faith, or having extensive international experience.
The University of Stuttgart has compiled numerous scholarships for you and provides general assistance to help you find the scholarship that is right for you.
The Studierendenwerk Stuttgart und Stups e. V. offer childcare services for children of students, see also FamilienCAMPUS.
As of now, there is a parent-child office [DE] at Pfaffenwaldring 57. The office can be used by all students and employees of the University of Stuttgart.
Site plan FamilyCAMPUS
More information: Studying and family
- More information
- Faculty 8 International Team: Support for Mathematics and Physics Students, Faculty 8 International Team is a group of Mathematics and Physics students working together to improve the situation of all international students at Faculty 8.
Awards for excellent teaching - University of Stuttgart
Black Board

Friederike Stoll
Dr.Program Managment B.Sc./M.Sc./BA-Lehramt/M.Ed. Mathematik