Dear students,
On behalf of our department we would like to welcome you to the new semester.
After the uncertain past weeks, it is now clear that the start of the semester will be on
Monday 20.04.2020. In the last few weeks we have been working intensively on converting our course
offerings to online teaching. This is mostly done by C@MPUS, ILIAS, recordings, WebEx video
conferences/consulting hours, and ILIAS forums.
We have created a handbook [DE] on digital teaching to help you get started. It contains both technical and (self-)organizational recommendations.
This is a new situation for you and for us. It is possible that some adjustments will have to be made in the first few weeks. Please be patient and give us feedback if things do not go correct at the beginning.
We wish you a good start.
F. Stoll (Course Director)
B. Haasdonk (Dean of Studies (B.Sc./M.Sc. Mathematik))
J. Wirth (Dean of Studies Teacher Education Mathematics)
M. Eisermann (Dean of Studies MEd. Mathematics und Physics)
T. Weidl (Vice Dean Mathematics)