On the initiative of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Anda Degeratu, the department hosted a “mathematical” film evening followed by a panel discussion. With popcorn and drinks provided by the mathematics department, the lecture hall was transformed into a campus cinema. The film took the more than 60 students, lecturers and friends of the department through the highs and lows of science and very personal moments of the researcher.
Alex Buresch (screenwriter and lecturer at the Baden-Württemberg Film Academy) was invited to the panel discussion. Together with Dr. Anda Degeratu and Svenja Loy (Department of Mathematics), he discussed questions about the screenplay, the cinematic realization and the portrayal of mathematics. The main character Marguerite and her relationship to solving the mathematical problem of Goldbach's conjecture were the subject of controversial discussion. Aspects of gender equality in research and teaching were also addressed in the discussion with the audience.
A successful evening event at the Department of Mathematics!
Zum Inhalt des Films:
"Der Film „Die Gleichung ihres Lebens” handelt von der Mathematik-Doktorandin
Marguerite, die während eines Vortrags mit einem elementaren Rechenfehler in ihrer Arbeit zur
Goldbachschen Vermutung konfrontiert wird. Nachdem ihr Doktorvater sie daraufhin kurzerhand fallen
lässt, kehrt Marguerite erschüttert und voller Selbstzweifel der Universität den Rücken, um auf
eigene Faust weiter zu forschen. Schnell erkennt sie, dass auch das Leben außerhalb der Universität
überraschende Erkenntnisse bereithält und sich die großen mathematischen Rätsel nicht nur am
Schreibtisch lösen lassen."
Zitat von Gesine Ferchland, Weltkino