The German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) is Germany’s most important and eldest support center for especially talented and gifted students.
Their executive board has appointed Professor Dr. Dominik Göddeke with effect from 1 October 2019 as a new trust lecturer of the University of Stuttgart. More than 750 professors in Germany, belonging to different faculties, are performing this function on a voluntary basis. Their duty is to represent the German Academic Scholarship Foundation in all university sites.
A part of this honorary position is the personal assistance and accompaniment of scholarship holders. Professor Dr. Göddeke will be responsible for students of diverse bachelor, master and doctoral study programmes, who were formerly supported by Professor Dr. Denninger before his retirement.
Another task is the function as a contact person and as a consultant particularly for students in the field of Mathematics (B.Sc., M.Sc.) and teacher training (B.A., M.A.). regarding all questions having to do with grant opportunities, personal applications and professorial admission proposals.

Dominik Göddeke
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Head of Institute and Head of Group

Britta Lenz
Secretary's Office