Prof. Jürgen Poeschel will retire at the end of the winter semester 2021/2022. Since 1995, Prof. Poeschel was active in teaching and research at the University of Stuttgart in the Department of Mathematics and headed the Department of Differential Equations at the Institute for Analysis, Dynamics and Modeling (IADM). He is the author of several books and textbooks on analysis and several monographs in his research area. He is one of the world's leading experts in the analysis of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems.
Prof. Poeschel supported the department as chairman of the examination board for the teaching profession, chairman of the B.Sc. selection committee, member of the B.Sc. examination board, member of the selection and admission committee for the teaching profession, alumni coordinator, library representative and as contact person for the subject of technical education. In teaching, Prof. Poeschel read the lecture cycle Analysis 1-3, Higher Analysis, Dynamical Systems, as well as the lecture cycle Higher Mathematics for Electrical Engineers, Cybernetic Engineers, Mechatronic Engineers and Physicists several times.
The Department of Mathematics would like to express its sincere thanks to Mr. Poeschel for his commitment.