The “Try Science” event attracted a number of high school students to the University of Stuttgart on March 16, 2018. The Department of Mathematics organized the workshop “Game theory and human behavior”, presented by Dr. Friederike Stoll and Prof. Michael Eisermann, that addressed the question of:
How mathematics explains our (ir)rational behavior ... or at least makes it
The presentation of the mathematics degree programs was followed by a lecture on the topic of
game theory with corresponding exercises that aimed to give the high school
students an impression of the mathematics study program. The topic illustrated how mathematics
explains our (ir)rational behavior ... or at least makes it understandable.
The acquired knowledge from the lecture was immediately put into practice with various games.
The feedback from the 30 paricipants on this unusual workshop was far and away positive.
Further information can be found on Prof. Eisermann’s homepage [de]