Colloquium lecture of Prof. Dr. Grigori Rozenblioum: Eigenvalues of singular measures and noncommutative integration Event 11/11/24
Mathe Macht! Valerie Ladenburger (Württembergische Versicherung AG): Modeling of natural hazards using the example of hail Event 6/24/24
Colloquium lecture of Prof. Peter Benner: Learning nonlinear dynamical systems from data, with stability certificates Event 6/3/24
Mathe Macht! Veronika Klein, Kai-Oliver Kohlen (KPMG AG): Towards a secure future with cyber security Event 5/27/24
Raphael Taraca M.Sc.: Singular limits in KGZ systems and the DNLS approximation in case of quadratic nonlinearities Event 4/26/24
Dipl.-Math. Denis Weiler: Supercharacters and generalized Gelfand-Graev characters for orthogonal groups Event 3/25/24
Maria Alkämper, M.Sc.: A Moving Mesh Finite Volume Method for Hyperbolic Interface Problems Event 3/22/24
Patrick Buchfink M.Sc.: Structure-Preserving Model Reduction on Subspaces and Manifolds Event 3/15/24
Mathe Macht! Dr. Timon Höfer, Sebastian Dörner (Porsche Digital) - Mathematik: The invisible backbone of the digital era Event 2/1/24
KickOff SPP-2410: Hyperbolic Balance Laws in Fluid Mechanics: Complexity, Scales, Randomness Event 1/22 – 1/23/24
Mathe Macht! Dr. Alexander Malinowski, Tobias Dorst (d-fine GmbH): Math makes the banking sector resilient Event 11/28/23
Colloquium lecture of Prof. Nicole Radde: Modeling and simulation of cellular systems - Using mathematical models to transform data into understanding Event 11/27/23
Tillmann Kleiner, M.Sc.: Faltungskalkül mit translationsinvarianten Amalgamräumen von Distributionen auf Euklidischen Räumen Event 10/16/23
Tizian Wenzel, M.Sc.: Deep and greedy kernel methods: Algorithms, analysis and applications Event 9/29/23
David Holzmüller M.Sc.: Regression from Linear Models to Neural Networks: Double Descent, Active Learning, and Sampling Event 7/25/23
Inaugural lecture of Frau Prof. Bernadette Hahn-Rigaud and Frau Jun-Prof. Christina Lienstromberg Event 7/17/23
Ivan Mira Pombo M.Sc. On the uniqueness of the Calderón Problem and its application in Electrical Impedance Tomography Event 6/30/23
Colloquium lecture by Prof. Christian Hirsch: Statistical foundations of topological data analysis Event 6/19/23
Tobias Kielwein M.Sc. Existence and non-existence of breather solutions on necklace graphs Event 6/12/23
Mathe Macht! Anna Röhrich (Fraunhofer Institut für Digitale Medizin MEVIS): What does mathematics do in medicine? Event 5/15/23
Mathe Macht! Matthias Breckner, Timo Geßner, Tobias Weber (VPV Lebensversicherungs-AG): Math Also Makes Life Insurance! Event 4/17/23