Various models from the collection of the Department of Mathematics are presented in the exhibition " AT A SECOND GLANCE - Collectibles from the Collections of the University of Stuttgart". As part of the lecture series "Meet the expert", Prof. Jens Wirth presented the Department's collection of mathematical models and instruments. He demonstrated the breadth and versatility of the model collection and discussed special features, such as the cardboard polyhedron models made by Prof. Hermann Frasch and the 3-D models of the teaching collection made by Prof. Markus Stroppel. As an example of an exhibit of the Mathematical Instruments Collection, Prof. Wirth demonstrated the spherical polar planimeter (manufactured in 1889, G. Coradi, Zurich).
Dipl.-Math. Robert Päßler (TU Dresden) is in charge of the online archive DAMM - Digital Archive of Mathematical Models. He was a guest of Prof. Witt at the IDSR for a research stay and digitized various plaster models of the collection for his research project, which can only be found in the collection of the Department of Mathematics. It is planned to add the exhibits of the Mathematical Models Collection to the online archive DAMM as well.