As every year the Student Council Mathematics handed over the lecture awards at the Summer Festival.
The award for the best basic lecture was given to Prof. Timo Weidl and the assistants Simon Barth, Andreas Bitter und Jan Köllner for the lecture Analysis 1.
The prize for the best preparatory lecture was given to
Prof. Michael Eisermann and
Dr. Friederike Stoll for the lecture
The prize for the best in consolidation lecture was given to Prof. Ingo Steinwart for the lectures Statistic Learning Theory.
The prizes were awarded on the basis of the survey of all lectures.
Photo: Nora Lehnhardt, Tobias Nerz, Simon Barth, Andreas Bitter, Jan Köllner, Prof. Timo Weidl
Photo: Dr. Friederike Stoll, Prof. Michael Eisermann
Photo: Nora Lehnhardt, Tobias Nerz, Prof. Ingo Steinwart