Rudolf Mehmke (1857-1944) studied mathematics at Stuttgart Polytechnic, the University of Tübingen and the University of Berlin. After completing his doctorate, he taught from 1880 to 1884 as a tutor for higher analysis and pure mathematics and lecturer at Stuttgart Polytechnic. In 1894, he was appointed professor of descriptive and projective geometry at the new Technical University of Stuttgart. After his retirement in 1922, he continued his lecturing activities and offered a large number of lectures and exercises in the following two years.
Prof. Mehmke's field of activity was very broad, but his greatest interest was in vector calculus. His lecture on vector calculus in Stuttgart was the first in the whole of Germany. One focus of his work was numerical and applied mathematics. He also developed his own calculating instruments for this purpose.
Rudolf Mehmke died in Stuttgart in 1944 at the age of 87.
Publication on Rudolf Mehmke
Rudolf Mehmke (1857-1944) - Life.
by Bertram Maurer
A publication of the University Archive Stuttgart
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Weitere Publikation zu Stuttgarter Mathematiker
Karl-Heinz Böttcher und Bertram Maurer:
Stuttgarter Mathematiker
Geschichte der Mathematik an der Universität Stuttgart von 1829 bis 1945 in Biographien.
Stuttgart, Universitätsarchiv 2008. (Veröffentlichungen des Universitätsarchivs Stuttgart,
Bd. 2).
PDF [DE]- OPUS - Online Publikationen der Universität Stuttgart