On Science Day 2019, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics presented
a very special Science Slam to the general public.
In the first contribution, Teresa Feldmaier enthused the audience with her jumping (student) spins on the subject of magnetism. No less inventive, the "Guardians of Topology" (Friederike Stoll and Michael Eiserman) led us through their dangerous, topological everyday life with their invisible thread before the hat player Matthias Künzer made the whole little game disappear with his symmetrical groups. Then Muamera Basic invited the audience into the Photon Crystal Club where the rubidium atom fell in love with the red photon. The last contribution was made by Tim Strobel, the "crystal magician" who explained how an LED functions by electron juggling.
The Science Slam was moderated by
Michael Jetter, who also brought with him the AppLaus
used for the public voting. After a thrilling second round of voting Tim Strobel took home the trophy of the first Science Espresso, tightly followed by the Guardians of Topology (Friederike Stoll and Michael Eisermann) and Teresa Feldmaier.