On the Study Program Information Day the University of Stuttgart introduced itself and the study programms. Faculty 8 - Mathematics and Physics - also provided information about the specialist and teaching courses offered. The event took place as a WebEx meeting and was very well attended with over 200 participants.
Apl. Prof. Johannes Roth (Dean of Physics for Bachelor Sc.) gave a presentation on the study programm and the challenges of studying physics. Prof. Bernard Haasdonk (Dean of Studies Mathematics for Bachelor Sc.) addressed the following points in his presentation of the study of mathematics:
- What is mathematics?
- Why study mathematics? Mathematics and job offers
- Study programm and courses
- Mathematics at the University of Stuttgart
Prof. Haasdonk especially pointed out the broad range of research and teaching at the Department of Mathematics, the good supervision, the international cooperation of the institutes and the networking with the natural and engineering sciences at the university.
Dr. Friederike Stoll (Course Manager Mathematics) moderated the question and answer session on mathematics and physics. The topics were a colorful mix out of: change from the Bachelor's degree to the Teacher Training Bachelor's degree, internships during the mathematics studies, necessary English language skills, examination times, double degree in mathematics/physics. In addition to the two lecturers, the questions were also answered by Prof. Jens Wirth (Dean of Studies for Mathematics Teacher Training), Prof. Ronny Nawrodt (Dean of Studies for Physics Teacher Training) and Dr. Andrea Zappe (Course Manager Physics).