The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics cordially invites you to the Graduation Ceremony on Friday, February 7nd, 2025.
We are celebrating all graduates of the faculty's study programs and awarding prizes to the most distinguished graduates of both mathematics and physics, as well as the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Award for the best PhD thesis in Physics.
All graduates of the Bachelor's, Master's, Teaching degrees and PhD programs are wholeheartedly invited to join the celebrations. As well as friends, family, lecturers and members of the faculty are welcome to join.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
Welcome by the Dean
Award Ceremony for outstanding academic achievement of graduates in Mathematics and Physics
Presentations by the awarded graduates
Award Ceremony for the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Award
Presentation by the laureate of the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Award
Honoring of the graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Reception in the lobby in front of the lecture hall
February 7nd, 2025, 4:00 pm, Campus Vaihingen,
New venue: Pfaffenwaldring 47, Lecture Hall V47.01
For more information please contact Dr. Gallmeister.