Award ceremony of the mathematics and physics competition

June 12, 2024

An event of the Schülerzikel Mathematik on Science Day at the Vaihingen Campus 08.06.2024

The traditional school mathematics and physics competition entered a new round on Science Day. This year, 67 pupils from 14 teams across 11 schools submitted solutions.

There were two first places, shared by Stiftsgymnasium Sindelfingen and İstanbul Erkek Lisesi. The winning teams achieved 22 and 23 points out of 24. There were also three third places for teams from Mörike-Gymnasium Ludwigsburg, Eichendorffschule Kelkheim (Taunus) and Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Jena, each with 19 out of 24 points.

The tasks came from the fields of combinatorics / probability calculation, geometry and mechanics. In addition to written solutions, videos submitted for the physics task were also included in the evaluation.

One of the winning teams: Stiftsgymnasium Sindelfingen
One of the winning teams: Stiftsgymnasium Sindelfingen
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