The graduation ceremony on Februar 02, 2024, was the second event since three years that was organized in presence. All graduates of the Bachelor's, Master's, Teaching degrees and PhD programs were invited to join the celebrations as well as friends, family, lecturers and members of the faculty. All graduates of the faculty's study programs and awarding prizes to the most distinguished graduates of both mathematics and physics were celebrated, as well as the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Award for the best PhD thesis in Physics. Despite the public transport strikes, many participants and guests accepted the invitation again this year. That was reflected in a festive and cheerful atmosphere.
Dean Uwe Semmelmann opened the ceremony with a speech in which he reviewed the past events of the year and recalled the commitment of the students and colleagues. He addressed personal words and his appreciation to the students who had achieved their degrees despite the difficult conditions. That they have acquired valuable knowledge and are well prepared for society, which is constantly evolving. He wished the graduates all the best for the next stage of their lives. Three students from the Academic Orchestra of the University of Stuttgart provided the musical backround with a string ensemble with pieces like "Sarabande", "Viva la Vida" and "Pachelbel Canon".
In mathematics Carolin Dörfer was awarded the prize for her outstanding Bachelor’s degree and Valentin Kußmaul with a prize for his outstanding Master's degree. Valentin Kußmaul presented the topic of his thesis "Exponential decay in non-relativistic quantum electrodynamics" in a short slideshow. The prizes were presented by Prof Eisermann and sponsored by the Association of Friends of Mathematics at the University of Stuttgart.
The faculty's prizes for the best teaching degree went to Elias Tron, who studied mathematics in the bachelor’s degree program with the aim of becoming a teacher. Larissa Wahl received the prize for the best teaching degree in the Master's programme with her outstanding degree in M.Ed. Mathematics. She presented her work in short lecture. The prizes were handed out by Jens Wirth, dean of studies, and sponsored by „Verein der Freunde der Mathematik e.V.“
Prizes were also awarded to the three best Master's degrees in physics for exceptionally good performance; these awards honored the graduates Jonah Alexander Heiler, Philipp Neufeld and Kirill Parshukov. The prizes were handed out by Prof Daghofer.
In addition an outstanding doctorate at the department of Physics was awarded with the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Dissertation Prize, a prize that has been granted by the foundation bearing the same name since 2019 and is endowed with an amount of 4,000 euros. The award went to Julian Kast, who presented the topic of his doctoral thesis „Functional & Active Plasmonic Systems and Metasurfaces“ in a short lecture