Q-Science Slam 2021

Q-Science Slam 2021 @home

March 9, 2021

Quantum physics: live, funny and generally understandable explained: Watch the live stream from your sofa on March 25, 7 p.m.
[Picture: IQST]

Five slammers will take the audience on a rapid journey through quantum physics. Not an easy task for the slammers. Even experts in the field describe quantum theory as incomprehensible or, like Max Born, as "hopeless mess". The slam is organized by the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST).

In preparation of the Q-Science Slam @home the slammers realized three spots to promote the Q-Science Slam @home. Find the links to Spot 1 - 3  beneath.

If you like the Q-Science Slam @home, we would be happy, if you support the Theaterhaus Stuttgart with a donation instead of the usual entrance fee. Purpose : Spende Q-Science Slam 2021.

Livestream on YouTube March 25, 7 p.m.

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