Guest Lecture: Dr. D. Frisch, Dr. M. Neef und E.-J. Wendler - Ernst & Young: Stress Testing und Machine Learning in Banken

July 15, 2019

Lecture Series "Mathe Macht! Mathematik in der Praxis, Departement of Mathematics at the University of Stuttgart

On July 2, 2019 Dr. Dennis Frisch, Dr. Marc Neef and Ernst-Jacob Wendler (Ernst & Young) gave a guest lecture on "Stress Testing und Machine Learning in Banken" for the students of the Departement of Mathematics. The lecture was part of the lecuture series "Mathe macht! - Mathematik in der Praxis". The lecure series presents companys using Mathematics or mathematical methods in various applications.


Photo:( r.)

Dr. Marc Neef
Prof. Frederik Witt
Dr. Dennis Frisch
Ernst-Jacob Wendler

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